No one knows exactly when the church that is now Jackson Grove United Methodist Church actually began. What is known is that a small group of God-Fearing Christians gathered at a brush arbor and campground near Jenkins Mill to praise and worship their Maker. Ministers were appointed by the Asheville District in the Holston Conference, and they traveled to their assigned congregations on horseback. Today, ministers are appointed by the South Carolina United Methodist Conference.
Jackson Grove Methodist Episcopal Church, as it was called at the time, received its charter from the State of South Carolina on December 17, 1831. There have been four sanctuaries: the first one, located on the present site; the second one, built across the road in 1907; the third one, a brick building, completed in 1951 and destroyed by fire in 1992; and the fourth and present sanctuary, made possible by the generous gifts of its members, friends, neighboring churches, and by many other groups, was completed in 1994.