Prayer Shawl Ministry
Jackson Grove has a wonderful Prayer Shawl Ministry! We have hand-made shawls that are ready to receive prayers and be presented to a recipient. These shawls are prayerfully knitted or crocheted and offer comfort to those that accept them. A prayer is offered during worship, and the shawl is given to the recipient if present, or a family member or friend can deliver it.

Little Free Library
We are exited to host a Little Free Library in our parking lot! Greenville First Steps generously donated the library & the starter books, and Jackson Grove members donate additional books to keep our library well-stocked. This “take a book, leave a book” free book exchange is a great enhancement for our area. Visit for more information (and look for us on their world map!)

North Greenville Food Crisis Ministry
The mission of North Greenville Food Crisis Ministry is to provide assistance of food and toiletries in a supportive, faith-centered manner to families and individuals in Greenville County, S.C. experiencing a crisis situation. Members of Jackson Grove donate non-perishable food items and toiletries on Sundays, which are then delivered to the ministry headquarters on Highway 25.
Blue Ridge Christian Learning
The Blue Ridge Released Time Christian Education Program, sponsored by the Greer Christian Learning Center, has been educating the public school students of Blue Ridge Middle for over 14 years.
Kairos Prison Ministry
Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. is a Christian faith based ministry which addresses the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women, youth, and their families. By sharing the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, Kairos hopes to change hearts, transform lives and impact the world. Several members of Jackson Grove volunteer with this program.
Epworth Children’s Home
Epworth Children’s Home provides a safe, stable and loving environment for every child it serves on this beautiful 32 acre campus. Epworth Children’s Home offers multiple programs to serve the children of South Carolina:
– Residential Services Program
– Independent Living Program
– Family Care Center
– Epworth Early Intervention Center
– Foster Care & Adoption Program